Author: Tan KW | Publish date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016, 10:51 AM
This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on September 27, 2016.
Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd (-ve)SHARES in Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd (fundamental: 0.15/3, valuation: 0.9/3), which were red-flagged by our proprietary algorithm yesterday — suggesting investors should exercise extra caution when trading in its shares — closed 11.73% or 10.5 sen higher yesterday at its one-year high of RM1.
It saw 31.93 million shares traded, compared with its 200-day average volume of 1.59 million.
Malaysia Steel’s momentum was in line with the rest of the steel players after the federal government issued provisional safeguard measures regarding rebar imports into Malaysia.
This will likely be another boost to the company after it registered a net profit of RM10.7 million in the second quarter ended June 30, 2016 (2QFY16), compared to a net loss of RM14.2 million in 2QFY15.
Year to date, its share price has risen 156.41%. At its current price, it has a market capitalisation of RM243.74 million
政府向进口钢筋征税 钢铁股项闻声上涨
By Gho Chee Yuan / | September 26 2016
截至11时19分,大马钢厂(Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd)领先群雄,大涨14.5仙或16.20%,报1.04令吉,成交量高达2398万5400股。
南达钢铁(Southern Steel Bhd)紧接在后,劲扬14仙或10.94%,报1.42令吉,一共有220万5200股易手。
美丽华工业(Melewar Industrial Group Bhd)涨4.5仙或7.76%,至62.5仙,成交量达1657万9300股。
锦记钢铁(Kinsteel Bhd)飙升2仙或36.36%,至7.5仙,而达业集团(Tatt Giap Group Bhd)和柏华嘉控股(Perwaja Holdings Bhd)则各别扬升1.5仙和1仙。
随着政府上周对进口至大马的钢卷和钢筋启动临时保障措施,各别征税13.9%和13.4%,肯纳格投资银行研究随即将安裕资源(Ann Joo Resources Bhd)上修至“超越大市”的评级,目标价也从原本的1.69令吉,调高至2.24令吉。