Channel: 余光成浅谈投资
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浅谈MELATI 5129 亿成控股 2017年第一季(Q1)业绩---

---2017年Q1赚50万,EPS=0.42 SEN
---于30-11-2016 公司累计盈利达rm1.65亿,随时有能力派发1送2红股或特别息.
--- 于30-11-2016 公司现金有1056万,nta达 rm1.76 ,借款为188万 ,每股净现金达7.2 sen
   前一季度为1305万令吉。 当前财务季度的利润较低

Review of performance
 For the financial period ended 30 November 2016, the Group achieved a revenue of RM21.808 million and profit before tax of RM0.958 million as compared to RM19.706 million and RM1.502 million respectively for the preceding year corresponding period. The decreased in profit of the Group in the current financial period as compared to the preceding year corresponding period was due mainly to lower other income and higher administrative expenses. Detailed analysis of the performance for the respective operating business segments for the period ended 30 November 2016 are as follows:

The group recorded revenue of RM14.189 million and profit before tax of RM0.408 million as compared to the preceding year corresponding period of RM17.224 million and RM1.459 million respectively. The lower revenue of this operation was due mainly to the new road work in East Coast Economic Region (“ECER”) project at an initial stage. The revenue recorded in the current quarter was mainly attributed from the “Program Perumahan Rakyat” (“PPR”) Project.

 Property development
The group recorded revenue of RM2.158 million and profit before tax of RM0.494 million as compared to the preceding year corresponding period of RM0.549 million and RM0.042 million respectively. The increased in revenue was derived from sales of completed units during the current quarter.

 The group recorded revenue of RM5.462 million and profit before tax of RM0.136 million as compared to the preceding year corresponding period of RM1.933 million and RM0.047 million respectively. The increased in sales in the current quarter was due mainly to higher volume of building materials being traded and consumed by our appointed sub-contractors for the Group’s construction division.

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