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转贴:Commodities' Cyclical Upturn To Come: Which are the Malaysia's top 8 finest breed which will keep going up in 2018 with minimal risk and maximal upside?


Commodities' Cyclical Upturn To Come: 
Which are the top 8 Malaysia's finest breed which will keep going up in 2018 with minimal risk and maximal upside?
8 January 2018, Monday, 1.58am Singapore Time
(Click on Technical Relativity Chart above to Enlarge)

Attached above is the Technicals of the Past Half-Year Trending Relativity of the commodity stocks in Malaysia. The FTSE ST Basic Materials Index is used for the bench-marking process and has been flattened to neutrality for the benchmarking. The litmus result yields the finest breed horse from among the soon to come cyclical upturn of commodity sector worldwide. In essence, we are obtaining the strongest horse and the strong horses that have at least 90% winning edge.

In the short-mid term going into 2018, Sino Hua-An and Heng Yuan came in as the cream of the crop. Hibiscus, Press Metal Aluminium Holdings, Malaysia Steel Works and Guan Chong Bhd make up the next layer of cream for the upcoming commodities cyclic boom. This is then followed by Southern Steel and Ann Joo Resources. The edge for these top 8 commodity stocks usually lasts long. They are generally performing far superior compared to the industry. The trend is likely to carry on in 2018.

As these are the horses with the strongest legs and sufficiently high liquidity, all supports will be successfully absorbed by buy queues. They will have limited downside and maximal upside because the worldwide commodity sector's winter is to come to an end in 2018. 
Translated version for those who do not understand English version.
<< 马来西亚2018年的8大牛逼大宗商品股之上升无限 >> : 8 January 2018
FTSE ST Basic Materials Index 用为基准,此项石蕊试纸之测试试图把最佳、最优秀的大宗商品股票过滤出来,其它优秀却又比不上或较为一般的大宗商品股票我们让它沉淀进入烧杯里放弃掉。最优良品种的马照样有较优良之基因,因而能依然领先于对手,也就是强者更强,弱者更弱之道理。这8大大宗商品股是短、中期为2018-2019年世界股市所换的主题而预先开跑的,是为大宗商品进入长期牛市阶段所做的跑法,配合2018年-2019年大宗商品进入春天而暖身的。Hua-An 和HengYuan为佼佼者, Hibiscus, PMetal, Masteel 和GCB 为第二层的优秀明星, SSteel 和 AnnJoo 也不俗。以上8大大宗商品股2018-2019年上升无限,它们所占的优势会继续拉大。

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