1)政府166億續推進LRT 3 喬治肯特 馬資源偷步走高
Orientaldaily Wed, Oct 17, 2018 - 7 hours ago
(吉隆坡17日訊)喬治肯特(GKENT,3204,主板建築股)和馬資源(MRCB,1651,主板產業股)宣佈,大馬基建公司(Prasarana)向MRCB George Kent私人有限公司發出通知信,指大馬政府已同意以166億令吉的總成本,繼續進行輕快鐵第3號線(LRT3)工程。
據交易所文告,LRT3的合約形式將從原有的工程交付夥伴(PDP)模式,改為固定價格合約模式(Fixed Price Contract Regime),而166億令吉的總成本也包括收購地皮成本、建築成本和利息及其他成本。
2)Gkent 3204会步入早前myeg的走势吗?(改朝換代后),拭目以待。
gkent is a good invest:
market cap:642m
net cash:301m
stock price:RM1.14
net cash position:46.9%
Perhaps a more "investable" names on the net-net universe... Here's a screener by:
1) KLSE stocks
2) Market Cap above RM 100 mil
3) Net Cash position is at 50% or more of its market cap value
At least some of the names here are more familiar, hehe. I'm planning to study some of the names, having cash which is 50% of market can be considered first line to "value" in my opinion.
3)SINGAPORE (Oct 17): Malaysia and Singapore construction stocks may move after a media report that Johor state government will hold a meeting with Singapore officials later this month to discuss reviving the “crooked bridge” project linking the two nations.
* Singapore’s construction-related companies include: Yongnam Holdings, Wee Hur, Lum Chang, Pan-United, Koh Brothers
* Malaysia stocks that could move: IJM, Malaysian Resources, George Kent Malaysia, YTL Corp., Gamuda, Protasco, Muhibbah Engineering
5)Gkent長期策略计划,通过投入大量资源至电表业务(Metering business),以扩大收入基础。该公司电表业务带来显著盈利,并已出口至全球超过40个国家。
截至目前,乔治肯特持有订单总值超过50亿令吉,看好可在未来几年内续提供盈利。公司从2018年6月开始股票買回至10月16日,股价介于RM1.01至1.48 ,共累积9355.500股。坐拥净现金马币3亿,未来穩定派息,基本面强大。利空出尽,下无可跌,RM1.18買入。
7)(lrt3 )16.6 b/2=8.3 b
profit margin 6%=498m for gkent。