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前風變壓器7207 SUCCESS RM1.93 BUY IN

--公司于4,5,6月的Q2, 2015 业绩很好,赚了 1181万,Eps=10.16sen ,nta=rm2.16
   若下来Q3,Q4有720万(EPS=6SEN),则全年可赚2910万(EPS=24.64 SEN) 
   现RM1.94只是PE=7.8 倍在交易,明显被低估了,合理的PE=10,价位=RM2.46
--于30-6-2015 SUCCESS 的债务1.2亿,公司有CASH 3492万.
    股价也将呈现上升势头,success 会是不错的选择。
---于30-05-2015 的30大股东已持有80.96%(97152张),
    市场流通量只有22848张(19.04%),总股数为120000張.大股东己持 56.48%.
---success 绝对是投资者的首选股,公司的潜在价值好,成长佳,将会是一只黑马股。

1)前景带动股价 前风竞标3国LED工程

2014-10-19 10:57

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根据财经周刊《The Edge》报道,前风创办人


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投标海外工程计划乐观 前风变压器成长迅速

二零一四年十月二十六日 晚上七时十分




















Success Transformer- to buy or to 
sell - Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin   |   Publish date: Fri, 20 Jun 09:40  http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/koonyewyinblog/54580.jsp

Koon Yew Yin
The group is principally involed in the manufacturing and trading of electrical appratus 
and industrial lighting products. About 40% of its product is exported to China.
Many of my friends who have bought this share asked me whether they should buy 
some more because currently there are a lot more investors taking notice of it or
 they should take profit since it has strike its all time high.
That is a very difficult question to answer.
I am very good at finding really undervalued stocks but I am always afraid to tell
 people when to sell to take profit.

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All I can say is that it has been making increasing profit ever since it was listed in 
2005 and its revenue has also been increasing every year. It obviously has
 the competitive market advantage.  The 1st Q of the current year shows that both
 of its revenue and profit have increased.  This shows that it is likely to continue to
 make increasing profit.
My answer: I will not sell because I believe it will continue to make more
 and more profit every year.  

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前風數據剖析2014-05-04 19:19

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5 undervalued stocks that you might want
 to own in 2014 – 2. Success


Success Transformer established early in 1980, its main products
 is Industrial lighting, transformer, automotive charger and 
various lighting equipment. Success comprise of about 73% 
of major shareholder with Omega attraction Sdn. Bhd.
as the largest shareholder. This is a low profile counter listed 
in Bursa Malaysia, light volume at average 400 lot per day 
make it less liquidity and not suitable for short term trading.

Net tangible asset per share: RM1.52
Cash per share: RM0.30
ROE: 14.2%
Price per book ratio: 1.01
Earnings per share: RM0.24
PE ratio: 5.29
Success Transformer has about 8% profit margin on its business, 
its ever growing revenue indicates its continuous growth year 
by year. This company possess EPS of about 24 cents in 2012,
 with its strong and improving revenue, we can forecast a growing 
of its earning of about 9% per year. The accumulated earning is
 recording high at RM136 millions, the accumulated earning is
 actually more than its paid up capital of RM60 millions, 
showing that its ability to expand and profit in a competitive
market is strong.
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Success transformer has its current ratio at about 2.3, which means 
this company has 2 times more current assets than its current 
liability, which is in favorable, most of its current liabilities are 
comprise of short term loan and payables bills. Actually the
 increasing and relatively high short term loan is unfavorable 
unless this company can attain continuous high profit over years.
success Transformer currently has its net profit at all time high, 
it is the highest since it’s listed in Bursa, but the price didn’t 
follow, this creates a divergence between its value and share price. 
Besides, its cash and securities per share is also rising,
 the share price is believe to be waited for correction.

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From technical term, the chart is slowly narrow down its 
movement, trying to anchor at around RM1.20. After that, 
the decision to the north or south have to be made.
 Buy at a breakout with volume, this will be possible with
 news stimulation. The chart is currently calling back with 
little volume, which is a good sign for further price advance.




(阿联酋) ,日本,韩国,印度,香港香港和新加坡。公司进军全球市




1)管理层不够积极 - 如果有细心跟踪公司在大马交易所公布的公告,
2)低股息 - 表明上,我是同意的。但是一间以成长为主的公司,
3)沉闷的股价 - 笔者刚出道的时期,曾经投资过此公司。那时给我的


      》十年收入的成长率 CAGR 17.92% (2013 @ 322,929 vs 2004 @ 62,105)
      》十年税后盈利的成长率 CAGR 33.74%(2013 @ 28,934 vs 2004 @ 1,580)

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10 Years P&L Trend

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5 Years FA Trend

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Monthly Chart

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Daily Chart


Is Success Transformer a success 

story? kcchongnz

Author:kcchongnz  |   Publish date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015, 07:13 PM

“Earnings, dividends and growth rates are useful figures in
 investment analysis. However, like water to humans, there is an 
underlying element essential to the survival and success 
of any firm—cash flow.”

Somewhere at the end of February 2013, Success Transformer
 Corp Berhad (Success) announced its end of year 2012 results.
Revenue and net income both jumped by 16% to RM296m and
 RM30.6m respectively. Earnings per share was 22.5 sen,
while its share price was trading at around RM1.00 apiece as
 shown in Figure 1 below. At that price, it was se
lling at less than five times earnings.
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Its share price went up with this good profit growth by 40% to
 RM1.40 within a year, and continues to rise after that to
 RM2.00 another six months later, with another profit growth
to EPS of 24 sen for the financial year ended December 2013.
Success is quite an illiquid stock and with some recommendations
in the cyber space because of this seemingly great results,
the retail investors “suddenly” realize its value and many of
the transactions were done around the RM1.75-RM2.00 level.
After that Success’s revenue continues to rise, with its revenue
growing another 15% to RM371.4m, but net income dropped
 by 20% for the financial year ending 31st December 2014.
Its share price retreated as a result and closed at RM1.35
last Friday on 4th September 2015.

If an investor has invested in Success 5 years ago at the
adjusted price of about RM1.00, the total return after
 5 years is still okay at about 30% now, or a compounded
growth rate of 5.8%, comparable to the return of the broad
market during the same period. It is still far ahead of the
return of many lemons as shown in the link below:


However, if you were to compare with the return of many good
 second liners companies during the same period, the return
 of Success falls far behind. For those who were chasing its high
 growth story a year ago and bought close to RM2.00 would have
suffered considerable loss of about 30%.

Business background
Success is engaged in investment holding and provision of
 management services. The Company, through its subsidiaries,
operates in two segments: transformer, lighting and related
products, which is engaged in manufacturing and marketing
 of electrical apparatus, industrial lighting and metal products
focusing on metal casing and stamping parts, and process
equipment, which is engaged in the fabrication of process
equipment and metal structures and the provision of maintenance,
 repair and shutdown works.

Past Performance
Success appears to be a successful story since its listing about
10 years ago at RM1.00. It is a high growth company no doubt
 with its revenue growing from RM74.3m 9 years ago to
RM371.4m in 2014, or a compounded annual growth rate (
CAGR) of 20% as shown in Table 1 in the Appendix. Net Income,
however, grows at a CAGR of 11% from RM10.4m to RM25.8m,
or 20.6 sen a share, way below its revenue. At this price of
 RM1.35 apiece, it is still trading at a relatively low 6.6 times
its earnings. Why isn’t Success trading at a double digit PE ratio
 with such a high growth story? One of the answers was given
 by the legendary Warren Buffett.

 “Customarily, most investors measure annual company
 performance by looking at earnings per share (EPS). Did they
 increase over last year? Are they high enough to brag about?
 For his part, Buffett considers EPS a smokescreen. Most 
companies retain a portion of their previous year's earnings 
as a way of increasing their equity base, so he sees no reason
 to get excited about record EPS. There is nothing spectacular
 about a company that increases EPS by 10%, if at the same time, 
it is growing its equity base by 10%. That's no different, 
he explains, from putting money in a savings account and letting 
the interest accumulate and compound. Worse still, there are many
 companies borrow huge amount of money to improve EPS, 
but the marginal return is way below its borrowing costs.

The test of economic performance, he believes, is whether 

a company achieves a high earnings rate on equity capital ("without
 undue leverage, accounting gimmickry, etc."), not whether 
it has consistent gains in EPS. To measure a company's annual 
, Buffett prefers return on equity or ROE. -- The ratio of operating
 earnings to shareholders' equity.”

Return on Capitals
Figure 2 below, however shows a clear trend of deteriorating return
on capitals.
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As early as beginning of 2014 before the share price of Success
up from about RM1.50 to RM2.00, diligent investors could
 already see the ROE of Success has been deteriorating unabated
 from 18.8% in 2009 to 13.1% as at end of December 2013,
barely meeting its cost of equity, and avoided investing in
Success, even though its PE ratio is about only 6 at a price
of about RM1.40 then. Despite of that, the share price continued
 to shoot up following the high growth story.

Actually the deteriorating ROE is just part of the story,
and the low PE ratio is just a smokescreen. In my opinion,
it deserves that low PE valuation due to its cash flow from operations.

Cash is King
Look at Enron’s four years financial performance and cash flow
from 1997 to 2000 as shown in Table 4 below with its net income
galloped by 832% from $105m to $979m before it went belly up.
This was one of the most talked about corporate scandals in
the US in 2000s, an excellent MBA case study. Focussed on net
 income, profit growth and PE ratio, Enron became a darling
stock and Wall Street sent Enron’s stock price soaring from
about $30 to $100 from 1997 to 2000. However, from 1997
to 1999, the company burned all its revenues and required an
additional $3b of capital expenses just to open its doors.

Table 4: Enron cash flow, $m
Net Income
Non-cash charges
Capital expenses
Few businesses can survive long without the ability to
generate cash.

I have written a similar article before using another
company as an example.
Basically, a business needs to pay all the expenses such
as administration, marketing, workers, plant and equipment
, materials etc. to produce goods and services
. After deducting cash to pay for all these stuff, and sold or
executed the services and receive cash, you get some cash left
over from the operations, termed cash flows
from operations (CFFO). The net income/profit (NI) or earnings
 figure, the income statement’s “bottom line,” is based on the
principles of accrual accounting. Accrual accounting attempts to
 match expenses with revenues regardless of when the cash
 transactions that deal with the creation of the goods being sold
 and the receipt from the sale occurred. In essence, accrual
 accounting is not entirely concerned with when “cash trades
hands.” However, over a long period of time, the profit figure
should match closely the net profit figure, i.e. the ratio of
 CFFO/NI should average close to 100%, generally with increase
in net working capital along the years, and neutralized by the
 adding back of the non-cash depreciation charges.
Table 2 below shows it is not the case for Success.
Table 2: Cash flow of Success
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The CFFO has been always way below NI. The average of CFFO is
only 43% of NI for the last 5 years, very poor CFFO indeed.
What has been the problem? Let us examine Table 3 below.
Table 3: Growth in revenue and inventories of Success
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The culprit as you can see is the inventories build up, mush faster
 than revenue growth. Compare last year and 5 years ago,
revenue grows by 87% while inventories grows at a much
faster pace of 309% as shown in Table 3 above. A lot of cash
 has been tied up in inventories, which explains its persistent
 shortage of cash all these years.
Another big headache is Success’s business requires relatively
huge amount of capital expenses (capex) to embark on its high
 growth as shown in Table 2 above.
What is left from CFFO after capital expenses is the free cash
 flow (FCF) in the year. As you can see from the Table above,
Success has not been successful at all in this respect. It has
negative FCF practically every year for the last 5 years. Without
 positive FCF, there is no money left from the business for
distributing dividends to shareholders, to invest in other profitable
ventures, pay down debts, or buy back shares when they are
selling cheap. Without FCF, a company has to resort to issuing
more shares and hence dilute its EPS, or borrow more from the
 banks and making the company more risky in times of economic
downturn. That is precisely what Success has been doing for the
 later; keeps on borrowing.
Most smart and proven successful businessman and super investors
looks at more tangible metric when investing, a good cash yield,
 rather than the obscure earnings yield, the inverse of PE ratio.
Cash yield CY = Free cash flow (FCF) / Price.
Success’s CY is negative as a result of negative free cash flow
(FCF) practically every year for the last 5 years.  Hence it was
never a good candidate for investment since listing.

How do you like when you invest in a business, it reports profit
 but losing hard cash every year?

Second quarter 2015 interim report
Success has just announced its second quarter results ending
30th June 2015. Its net income increased again by 20% to
RM12.6m, or 10.2 sen per share, from the corresponding
quarter last year. The company has been announcing many
 share buybacks recently. Were all these good news? Not
until you see its CFFO deteriorated further to a negative value
 of RM16.3m for the two quarters, and with a further RM5.2m
in capex, FCF is at a negative of RM21.5m. Not until you see the
major shareholders keep on dumping their shares?

It is always not easy to predict if a company would do well in the
future and that its share price would rise. It is much easier to see
if a company is likely not to do well. Normally the writing is all over
 the walls in its financial statements, if you know how to spot red
 flags. Although investing is about the future, not the past, the
 economics of the business are usually clearly reflected from its
 past performance and the actions of the same management.
It seldom changes unless the business model changes, and/or
the management changes.
Investing just basing on the simplistic growth and PE ratio
works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn’t work. There are
 more important things to look for, some of them mentioned
above, which have higher predictability on your return of investment.
 This has been proven again and again in many academic research
and from the investing experience of many truly super investors
all around the world.
Do you wish to learn how and what to look for in investing in
the stock market in order to have a higher probability of success
 in building long-term wealth? Do you wish to scout for some
good stocks to invest at cheap prices now using some plausible
and proven investing strategies? Please contact me for an online
 course for a small fee at
In Bursa, there aint no tooth fairy. The only person whom you
can depend on is none other than yourselves. Nothing comes
easy and without having to spend time and effort, and nothing
good comes free. That is the golden rule in investing.
Happy investing.

K C Chong (5th September 2015)


Table 1: Revenue and net income for Success Transformer


Success Transformer - Profits shine through

Author: equitydiary   |   Publish date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 07:43 AM 

Link to official blog: www.equitydiary.blogspot.com
Profits shine through

By the looks of things, profits of Success Transformer Corp (STC) 
being clouded by its subsidiary has come to an end.

With promising 2Q15 results, this low P/E stock of decent quality
 looks like it’s on its way for a rerating.

Based on yesterday’s closing price of RM1.38 and an annualized
 2Q15 EPS of 40.64 sen, the stock is trading at a prospective P/E 
of just 3.4x. If we apply a P/E of 6x to that annualized EPS, 
it would give the stock a value of RM2.44, or an upside of 77% 
to its last traded price.

To recap, STC’s 65% owned subsidiary, Seremban Engineering 
Bhd (SEB) posted heavy losses in 4Q14 and 1Q15 due to cost 
overruns of the Sabah Ammonia Urea project (which is more t
han 90% complete now). This clouded STC’s transformer and
 lighting profits as they were consolidated with SEB’s (see Figures
 1, 2 and 3, highlighted in red).

Based on SEB’s 2Q15 report, it appears like the cost overruns
 had mostly been provided for in 1Q15 and will no longer be seen
 in SEB’s future financials.

Figure 1: SEB quarterly P&L
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Source: Company quarterly reports

Figure 2: STC quarterly P&L
Source: Company quarterly reports

Figure 3: STC quaterly segmental profit
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Source: Company quarterly reports.
Note: Segmental profits here are approximations as the company does not provide
 profit breakdown by segment in quarterly reports.
a Derived by subtracting b from c
b Operating profit/loss taken from SEB’s income statement.
c Operating profit/loss taken from STC’s income statement.

The latest 2Q15 results show SEB’s profit levels to be back in the 
normal range (albeit at the lower range due to a drop in sales),
 and as a result, STC’s transformer and lighting segment's profits
 are now shining through again.

The transformer and lighting segment showed decent margin 
expansion vs. in most recent quarters; revenue grew about 3% 
yoy while operating profit climbed 13%.

For the process equipment segment, sales dipped 32% yoy, 
but this didn’t affect STC’s overall profits much. Even if we 
stripped out or assume zero profits for this segment, STC’s net 
profit would have still been around RM10.5m or 9 sen EPS in 2Q15.

I have read some articles on STC’s business outlook especially on
 its LED lighting and I’m quite convinced. Could 2Q15 be a 
precursor to STC’s continuation in growth?

Figure 4: STC’s segmental results, 2010-2014
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Source: Company annual reports.

Figure 5: STC’s transformer, lighting and related products 
segment revenue, 2010-2014
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Figure 6: STC’s process equipment segment revenue, 2010-2014

I'm not too concerned about Success' capex levels as the 
company is in expansion/growth mode. I believe Success is 
taking the opportunity to expand fast while they can. If they're 
spending to expand an unprofitable business then that would
 obviously be bad, but this isn't the case for Success.

Once they've taken expansion to a good enough level, they
 would cut down on capex, and now with the higher profits 
from the expansion, the effect would be: strong cash flows, 
which would lead to debts going down and cash going up.  

A good company from a long-term investor's point of view.


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

SUCCESS - Lighting the Way Up

While global market had been in an upbeat mode, Malaysia had been trailing behind most of the party after foreign investor view Malaysia outlook as "a lack of catalyst" as foreign funds pared down holdings. However, with the month of November that is full of quarterly reports, would there be something that will be interesting to look out at?

It had came to me on Success Transformer Corp Berhad (SUCCESS - 7207), which is dealing with lighting and transformer will be a good company to be vested in with their bright business prospectus.

Let's have a look at their latest chart

SUCCESS had been in a gradual uptrend. SUCCESS had been consolidating at the range of RM 1.85 to RM 2.00 in a lower volume manner. However, with the tight consolidation focused at the range of RM 1.95, SUCCESS could be pending upon a break above RM 2.00 in the coming days with a strong anticipation on a stronger quarterly performance.

SUCCESS - Lighting the LED way

The latest trend had been going the LED way for cost saving and environmental friendly. Success Transformer Corp Berhad, being the largest LED Lightning manufacturer in Malaysia would be looking to see this trend as a booming prospect for it's business.

LED had been in a strong trend as of lately, and it's widely supported in the European countries as it consumes lesser energy while providing a brighter light, which in turn, reducing green house gases that had been a cause of global warming.

SUCCESS had been seeing steady growth in it's revenue since 2009.

According to the latest Q2 FYE 2014 performance, Success had been seeing a cumulative revenue of RM 189.6 million.

A quick simple calculation will see SUCCESS maintaining their 2014 performance will be seeing a possible revenue around RM 380 million, as EPS can hit a potential 28 to 29 cents. A quick valuation based on PER x10 will easily see SUCCESS being valued at the range of RM 2.80.

Currently, SUCCESS had been aggressively expanding it's network and production to Thailand and Singapore. SUCCESS is currently catering to more than 60 countries and will be looking to see more demand coming in to their door.

Based on the current outlook, SUCCESS will be looking to see a 15% to 20% growth in their revenue for the next 3 years, which could potentially hit up to RM 500 million revenue in FYE 2016.

In my opinion, SUCCESS will be a good fundamental company to be vested in for the long run, with good business prospectus, good management team, and good financial control within the company. A long term outlook will place SUCCESS at RM 3.00.

Bone's short term TP : RM 2.20

Cheers and have a nice day

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