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canone 5105 冠旺rm3.10 再加倉,美丽的前景己看到,買进与持有是良策---

a)#quote from latest quarter result

Review of performance

Current quarter ("Q2, 2015") compared with previous corresponding quarter
("Q2, 2014")

The Group’s revenue decreased from RM232.7 million in Q2, 2014 to RM216.6 million
in Q2, 2015. The profit before taxation and profit after taxation increased from RM20.8
million and RM14.8 million in Q2, 2014 to RM29.7 million and RM25.6 million
respectively in Q2, 2015. 

General Cans division

Revenue from General Cans division for Q2, 2015 decreased by 2.5% to RM95.5
million from RM97.9 million in Q2, 2014 mainly due to lower demand for tin cans.
Profit before taxation for Q2, 2015 decreased to RM4.5 million, from RM5.9 million
mainly due to lower revenue and higher raw material cost due to stronger USD

Food Products division
Revenue from Food Products division decreased from RM160.3 million in Q2, 2014 to
RM138.8 million in Q2, 2015 mainly due to weaker demand for sweetened creamer.
Even though there was a drop in revenue, profit before taxation for Q2, 2015
increased to RM17.7 million, from RM9.3 million mainly due to stronger USD currency
and better operating efficiency.

International Trading division

Revenue from International Trading division increased from RM24.4 million in Q2,
2014 to RM31.0 million in Q2, 2015. 

Investment in associate

Associated company, Kian Joo Can Factory Berhad (“KJCF”) contributed RM11.4
million net profit to the Group for Q2, 2015, an increase of RM2.5 million compared
with Q2, 2014.


1.        公司旗下食品业务仍在快速成长中。加上公司投资的新淡奶生产线将在2015年6月开始投产,届时公司食品业务利润将增加。
2.        无论公司脱售或者不脱售建裕珍厂都对公司有利。若公司不脱售该股权,公司仍能每年从建裕珍厂分享3500万令吉的纸上利润,同时每年也将能取得913万至1826万令吉的股息收入用作偿还收购建裕珍厂借贷的利息开支。倘若公司脱售该股权公司将取得一次性4亿8000万令吉的现金。公司可以利用这笔现金去偿还银行贷款,为公司每年节省至少1200万令吉的利息开支,对公司长期而言绝对有利。
3.        若公司成功脱售建裕珍厂的股权,公司可能将利用部分款项充作特别股息派发给股东,而大部分的现金将用作偿还银行贷款。假设公司不以特别股息方式来回馈股东,公司也可能通过红股方式回馈股东。公司目前可分发利润占公司股本4.90倍,公司绝对有能力发红股回馈股东。

4.         公司食品业务的盈利贡献将会提高,原因是
a) CANONE持有的F&B股份已经从80%增加去100%, 所有F&B的盈利会贡献给CANONE
b) 奶价依然游走在低价,公司的成本会变得便宜,而且加工后的乳制品可以被保存。
c) 虽然上个季度的食品业务的营业额有下降,可是因为美金走强,该业务的利润却大幅度增加,从RM9.3 million增加至RM17.7 million


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